But if you know what type of things you have to say and do and when, and you practise doing this part regularly, it actually isnt that difficult to. Second, after the brief discussion, you and your partner will have to decide on the best option for the situation proposed in the first part of the discussion. Im from umbria, which is a region in central italy. How to use filler phrases to give yourself thinking time. How to succeed in b2 first fce speaking part 3 kse. Cae listening part 3 free practice test exam english. Aug 31, 2019 speaking test part 3 twoway discussion followup question details discussion. On the other hand, any decisions you make can affect other people so it. Jun 24, 2012 cae speaking test tips part 3 the twoway discussion by wellingtonhousebcn the third part of the cae oral exam is to test if you can use english to discuss and show understanding, to agree or disagree, negotiate and collaborate with your partner. Both these candidates cope well overall with the tasks in the test.
There are 2 or sometimes 3 candidates in the exam, in which the. Last week i recorded a onehour skype lesson with sebastian and tim, two young germans who have their cae exam soon. Cae speaking test tips part 3 the twoway discussion. C2 proficiency speaking test derk and annick duration. Part 3 talking about an image image for candidate a this image shows someone cooking. If the topic is health, the keywords will be things like diet, exercise, sleep, and so on. This is where the abstract topics really start to emerge and if you ar.
Cambridge first certificate fce speaking part three phrases presentation, practice and games fce speaking part three key words card game teachers instructions cut up one pack of cards per group of two or three students. Fce speaking test part 3 useful phrases with examples fce. Fce speaking material videos and pdf files with sample exercises complete speaking sample with explanations transcript fce speaking sample transcript with ex. You will be given a sheet with a question written in the middle and a few prompt around it. Fce speaking test part 3 useful phrases with examples. You now have a video of a full real speaking test, and a description of each of the parts, with examples of the types of questions and the material used in the exam. Is it better to make important life decisions on your own or is it better to consult other people. Followup questions, also known as details discussion comprise part three of the ielts speaking test. May, 2015 today we ll have a look at part 3 of the speaking exam. Advanced, also known as certificate in advanced english cae. In part 3, a schematic with a question and a set of related ideas is given. Cae speaking part 3 and 4 teacher handbook 08 free download as pdf file. The candidates use this schematic to have a conversation between themselves about the subject of the schematic, using the ideas given.
You dont need to talk about all the points in part 3 in order to score highly. About cambridge assessment english 2 c1 advanced an overview 3 exam support 4 about the exam 5. In part 3 you and your speaking test partner are given a mindmap or spider web with five keywords linking to a theme. Put them into pairs to ask and answer the questions in. Useful expressions and vocabulary for cae and fce speaking part 1.
In this lesson, you can learn how to improve your score in parts three and four of the cae speaking exam. While doing an fce speaking part three speaking task they try to. There are 2 or sometimes 3 candidates in the exam, in which the candidates must speak individually and also interact to complete the tasks. Fce cae open cloze use of english cambridge english first certificate certificate in advanced english. You need to focus on developing a simple, yet fluent conversation with your partner, in which, the examiner will assess your. When you have finished recording, click on the stop recording button. Ultimately, its your life so i suppose you should make the decisions. Starter speaking questions c1 for the advanced cambridge esol exam cae. C1 advanced in this part, there is an emphasis on the understanding of a long text, including detail, opinion, tone, purpose, main idea, implication, attitude, and also text organisation features such as exemplification, comparison and reference. Cae speaking part 3 exam preparation this entry was posted on may, 2015. If the topic is health, the keywords will be things like diet, exercise, sleep, and so. In this part of the test im going to give each of you three photographs. Oct 31, 2016 what happens in parts three and four of the cae speaking exam. Useful expressions and vocabulary for cae and fce speaking.
Put them into pairs to ask and answer the questions in a mock style examination. Four cae speaking exam part 2 photograph examples the second part of the cambridge advanced speaking exam is the main part of the speaking exam that studentscandidates struggle doing well in. Pet b1 speaking part 3 exercise 1 free practice test, free. In part 3 of the cae speaking test, which lasts about four minutes six minutes for groups of three, the examiner will ask you and your partner to talk about another set of visual prompts together. After you are done with the cue cardcandidate task card, which is the second part of the speaking test, the examiner will move on and ask you some followup questions. Four cae speaking exam part 2 photograph examples blair.
Then click on the blue save and send answer button at the bottom to submit your answer. How to succeed in b2 first fce speaking part 3 kse academy. You need to focus on developing a simple, yet fluent conversation with your partner, in which, the examiner will assess your ability to initiate and respond, develop a topic, negotiate an outcome. This part of the test comprises 1 discussion divided into 2 parts. Give out a3 classroom handout 2 and a4 classroom handout 3 to each student. Then, students swap their diagrams and follow speaking part 3 instructions. First certificate in english speaking test part 2 4 minutes sample test materials 17 special moments 18 leisure activities the examiner who speaks to you the interlocutor uses the following script. Cae speaking hexagons game posted on april 4, 2016 by gosia kwiatkowska the objective of this game is to help students practice answering typical exam part 4 questions, being careful about not monopolising the speaking time, and including the partner in the discussion.
My main aim was to activate my students and offer them some exam speaking practice they would find a tad less boring than usual. Cambridge english teacher rory has created video courses to help you pass the cambridge b2 first. Advanced cae speaking sample tests breakout english. Useful phrases and vocabulary for cambridge cae and fce speaking module part 1 on your city speaking about your city is a great way to show that you know how to use relative clauses correctly. Conversation between interlocutor and each candidate 3 minutes candidates. The paired format of the cae speaking test two examiners and two. In this part, you will hear a conversation between two or more speakers. How to make your answers more detailed and use a wider range of. Cae speaking test part 2 in part two of the cambridge english. Aug 21, 2019 useful phrases and vocabulary for cambridge cae and fce speaking module part 1 on your city speaking about your city is a great way to show that you know how to use relative clauses correctly.
Now, in this part of the test, youre each going to talk on your own for about two minutes. Practising cae speaking part 3 lesson plan cognitive. The final part of cae speaking keeps the topic from part 3. The examiner will ask you and your partner questions, expecting you to give long, communicative and complex answers. Sep, 2017 this is a gapfill worksheet for cae students to teach phrases for the collaborative parts of the speaking exam. Make sure you have a short explanation about your city prepared. Take a look at more ideas for speaking activities for fce and cae students here, here, and here. The speaking part of the c1 advanced from cambridge exam english consists of 4 parts and lasts for about 15 minutes. Part 3 the collaborative task lets look at a sample question. Cae speaking part 3 and 4 teacher handbook 08 8x4e7og5k3l3. You want the examiner to think that you speak english on a daily basis and that you enjoy using it. Id like you to compare two of them on your own for about a minute and also to answer a question. But dont get stuck on one topic or get sidetracked for example, if.
The candidates use this schematic to have a conversation between themselves about the. Jan 30, 2015 1 cae by matifmarin summary for cae exam updated january 2015 nextnext paper 4. I wrote most of these over seven years ago when i was teaching ielts on a more regular basis though. Cae speaking test part 3 in part 3 you and your speaking test partner are given a mindmap or spider web with five keywords linking to a theme. In this part, there is an emphasis on the understanding of a long text, including detail, opinion, tone, purpose, main idea, implication, attitude, and also text organisation features such as exemplification. There are also links which take you to useful websites and resources. Questions are mostly based on the cue card topic candidate task card topic. Try to support your answers with examples and reasons. In part 1 and 2 you had to speak on your own but in part 3 you will have to communicate with the other candidate and also sometimes the interlocutor. Nov 28, 2019 in a different article, i have already told you about the b2 fce speaking test official called b2 first fce, by the way. Ive split the phrases into different sections, and at the bottom of the page is an example conversation which uses some of the phrases in a natural way. However, you still need to use adequate descriptions in order to compare the ph. Cae speaking test part 3 training february 28, 2016 by andrew girardin. See more ideas about learn english, esl lessons and english exam.
This is a gapfill worksheet for cae students to teach phrases for the collaborative parts of the speaking exam. Cae c1 speaking part 34 exercise 1 free practice test, free. These followup questions are mostly related to the cue card topic you were given. This is where the abstract topics really start to emerge and if you ar engaged, quite an interesting conversation can arise. Then the candidates are given another question to answer together. You dont need to talk about all the points in part 3 in order to score.
What are the advantages and disadvantages of these different activities for meeting people and. Then the examiner will ask the other candidate a question about your pictures. In this part the candidate is given an image and is required to talk about the image. If you click the pdf link below, ive put together 30 different topic cards for ielts speaking part 2 cpe speaking part 3. Cae speaking part 3 and 4 teacher handbook 08 december 2019 16. The themes are often universally interesting ones such as health or the environment. Advanced speaking sample test with examiners comments. Access cambridge cae speaking sample test 1 here to help you prepare and succeed in the cambridge cae exam. But in this post i will focus more specifically in fce speaking part 3, and i will give a detailed description of this part, which is very popular, just like i did with part 1 and part 2. Cambridge cae speaking sample test 1 cambridge practice. Pet speaking part 3 pictures can be a on a variety of topics see below, but their one common feature is that they have a scene with people where there are lots of things to describe. Today we ll have a look at part 3 of the speaking exam. Would you like a list of phrases you can use in the speaking exam. Cae speaking part 3 tims free english lesson plans.
Fce speaking part 3 discussion fce speaking part 3. Cambridge cae speaking sample test 1 cambridge practice tests. Advanced speaking test, you are given a piece of paper with 3 photos on. The first thing to note in this part of the test is that it is not specifically a description exercise. In part 3 of cae speaking you finally get a chance to interact and speak with your. Part 4 what effect does a countrys climate have on the personality of the people. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. Advanced speaking test marks and commentary published by cambridge english language assesssment page 2 of 5 cohesion he uses a limited range of cohesive devices. Cae c1 speaking part 34 exercise 1 free practice test. The third part of the cae exam is based on interaction with your partner. You need to listen while your partner is speaking because youll be asked to comment afterwards. Two of the students do the speaking activity in a3 classroom handout 2. Cambridge first certificate fce speaking part three.
You then have to answer 6 multiple choice questions which test your understanding of the speakers attitudes and opnions. When you know what you want to say, click on the record answer button to record your answer. Cae speaking test tips part 3 the twoway discussion by wellingtonhousebcn the third part of the cae oral exam is to test if you can use english to discuss and show understanding, to agree or disagree, negotiate and collaborate with your partner. But if you know what type of things you have to say and do and when, and you practise doing this part regularly, it actually isnt that difficult to do. The second part of the cambridge advanced speaking exam is the main part of the speaking exam that studentscandidates struggle doing well in.
The speaking part of the c1 advanced from cambridge exam. You have to talk about 2 of the pictures, on your own, for a minute. Pet speaking part 4 continues on with the same topic from part 3, but doesnt have any visual aid. I dont think this needs much in the way of explanation.
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